I just wanted to post a few pictures of some of the fun things that we've been going recently. This season of support raising has allowed more free time than we've had in awhile so we're trying to take advantage of the time when we have it. We know that it's only a matter of time before things get crazy again.

We went out to a
local piano bar
with some friends from church. Here's a picture of us with Ryan and Sherry (they are the couple that we live with when we're in Orlando).
We realized the other day that we didn't have any
pictures of the four of us, so now we have at least one!
Rodney also took me out on a fun afternoon date. We starting by having a little picnic at a park that I like. The park has a big open field, but it also has this pretty fountain.
After the park, we went to the humane society to play with some cats. One of the hard parts of our support raising has been that we gave up our cat. Jeremiah now lives with my sister. He seems to actually like her more than us, but we still miss him :( The first picture is Jeremiah, he's "studying" with my sister as you can see. The next picture is the gigantic cat at the humane society who wanted me to pet his belly forever.

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