We are at 75% of our goal! The only way it happened was God because we literally picked up 10% in 10 days. This shows God is in charge of support not us. There are many people who came to us in the last 10 days to be on our support team which is very unusual but refreshing none the less. I would really like to thank everyone who is currently committed and giving and not giving up on us. It would be hard for me to start my monthly gift if the people I was supporting were not on the campus they said they were going to be on. We could not do what we are doing now and putting so much time into support raising if it were not for the people that have started giving. Our ministry has in a way started now and I very much feel a part that is true.
In general, Amanda and I have been doing well. We have our ups and downs but in general we are doing well. Yesterday we talked with Jutty and Abbey, our team leaders in Italy, and we realized how much they need us over there in order to reach the goals and aspirations that we have set for Agape Italia. They helped us remember that this process is part of our sanctification and that we should not look at it as we cannot wait to get out of this season, but this is part of the process that is preparing us to do ministry in Italy. Also with their small children, the adjustment has been hard in a lot of ways and so they are extremely encouraged with us heading over there to be a part of things. It was extremely encouraging because so many times we feel so replaceable, because we feel so weak because we do not have other purposes than to just raise support. We cannot hold jobs nor have consistent ministry in one place because we travel so much between Tampa and Orlando.
We are starting to think about logistical stuff such as bank accounts, plane travel, Vonage phones, etc. When I say we, I mean mostly Amanda. She loves to look up this kind of stuff and plan and find the best deals. I love my wife! We actually have a reason to start doing things and thinking about things because we are so much closer. This is the update for now, I feel good no tangents this time!