Friday, April 16, 2010

A Few Interesting Things

Newest Insieme- Agape Italia's Newsletter. I posted about it a while back. It gives you the best vision and reality of where the ministry is heading inside of Italy as a whole.

Another fun thing is this map of Italy made of words. Click on it to make it bigger. We live in Southwestern, Italy. There is great coffee and pizza is our region. The fun thing about the map is to see how diverse Italy really is region to region. The only big mistake I found on the map is that Good Pizza should not be above the Vatican.

Lastly are some interesting facts about the spiritual reality here in Italy.

32,000 (out of 33,500) Italian communities have no established evangelical witness
• Only 10% (of expatriate missionaries) on average return for a second term
• there are 616
official religions in Italy
• there are an estimated 100,000 recognized fortune-tellers
less than 5% of Catholics are actually practicing
• Islam is the second religion in Italy. Jehovah’s Witnesses are as numerous as all Evangelicals put together
• 2.6 million foreigners live in Italy
• in Milan alone more than 1000 teenagers commit suicide each year

Would you take a moment and pray about these things?

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