Saturday, July 11, 2009

Trash in Salerno

You might be wondering why I am writing about trash.  A lot of students are taking exams and busy for the summer, so many of them cannot hang out.  They do not go to campus as much, which means we do not also.  As they finish their exams, more and more of them are becoming free as they days go on in July.  It has been good to have some free time to get stuff set up around the apartment as well as recover from the summer project's pace.  We have been reading and studying the language. 

The other thing has been taking up our time is trying to figure out what the new trash schedule is.  The trash in Naples and I believe some other areas of the region used to be (and still could be) controlled by the mafia so it always gets taken care of, capische? :) A little Godfather for ya. The way trash is taken care of in Salerno is changing and they are trying to recycle more, no big deal, right?  Wrong!  The Valiquettes, the Crawfords, and us have not gotten the necessary trash cans, schedule and bags. One night I even tried to get rid of the trash in a pile by some businesses and I was yelled at in Italian.  I responded,"Quale giorno, vetro? No lo so. Quale giorno, organico? No lo so.  Quale giorno, carta? No lo so.  (Which day, glass? I don't know.  Which day, organic? I don't know.  Which day, paper? I don't know.) They got the picture and left me alone. Check out this fun schedule........Yea click on it and zoom in real close.  I found it at my neighbors, took a picture and translated it so I knew how to get rid of our every growing, smelly trash in our apartment.  I think we figured it out, even the part of the trash man coming between 8pm and 4am, meaning that day is actually that night. One of the great things we have grown accustomed to in becoming acclimated with the new culture.

1 comment:

PCBO said...

Not sure this is what Paul had in mind when he said I have become all things to all men in order that I might save some! The things missionaries must master. We prayed for you at OGC on Sunday. Much love.