Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Book Suggestions?

So one of the things that we are thinking about it what books we want to be reading in the next year or so.  Not all the surprisingly, English language Christian books aren't readily available in Salerno.  We are planning on visiting a used Christian bookstore and stocking up before we go.  So we're looking for suggestions.  We want to be reading books that really challenge our hearts.  We think that we're going to have a lot of practical application in the day to day ministry we'll be doing, so we want to really go deep in our personal reading.  So, what have you been reading?  Do you have any suggestions for us?  What would really encourage our hearts?  Please leave us a comment (it's right below this post) or shoot us an email or phone call.  Thanks for your help!


Ryan UCF said...

I've been using the free online Google books lately and have enjoyed the easy of online reading, you might want to check it out there's a section dedicated to philosophy:


Currently, I just received a book from a teacher:

Ayn Rand: Atlas Shrugged

Kelli Elisabeth said...

This is an organization started by some men from my church. It's been around ten years, and it is all about helping to build healthy churches! Here's the link to their reading list. They're doing awesome work in the States and abroad- even working on translating some of their books for international use. Hope this helps! http://www.9marks.org/CC_Content_Page/0,,PTID314526%7CCHID598032%7CCIID,00.html