Its so sad. The Americans are leaving. Sara Love and Bentley Crawford, Natalie, and Breanna are all leaving within the next week. They have all been here two years with the exception of Sara Love who came on STINT here in 2006 before she was married so she has lived here 3 years. They have made so many friends and impacted this city for the gospel so much. Last night we had a dinner with our church and the goodbyes and the reminiscing started. Bentley and I have become good friends as well as the Crawfords have a daughter, Lila Grace, close to the same age as Grant. They are going to live in Miami to get a job and join a Sovereign Grace church there. Breanna is going to help out with the Magdalena film in Florence for another month before she goes to America to get a job.
This week we are moving a lot of their stuff to a really cheap storage unit we found close to the university. So we are boxing their stuff up and storing it for future STINT teams since we will not have one next year. Please pray for that.
Above, Lila and Sara Love Crawford
Lila and Bentley Crawford
Bentley and I hiked a mountain, this is Bentley at the top.
A highlight from this week is that I got to meet with Gaetano for 4 hours on Thursday. He is one of the students that have professed faith in Christ from the summer project group. We talked about many things including the Bible being extremely metaphorical. Please pray for me as I continue to talk about interpretation of the Bible to him and how part of the Bible is metaphorical and part is literal.
Here are some pictures of our friends over time:
Bentley with Braden from summer project and some people from Panta Rei, the student government group
Our whole language class from Febraury