Grant Charles Walton was born Saturday 10/17/09 at 6am sharp. He was 8lbs. 5oz. at birth, as well as 20 1/2 inches long.
Continue to check facebook and our blog for more updates. We just got home from the hospital Monday at about noon.
Praise the Lord for a healthy baby with no complications during childbirth! We cannot thank the Lord enough for this as well as a rather complication free pregnancy. Please pray for us as we are learning how to be parents. Pray that God would give us wisdom and patience beyond our years as well as supernatural energy to keep up with this little one. Amanda had a lot of contractions since Wednesday leading up to the birth on Saturday morning so we both have not gotten a lot of rest before he came.
Check out the top image on how Grant and Amanda looked alike at birth! It is kind of crazy how similar they look!