The Countdown to Baby Grant continues. We have started going to the doctor like every week. It is becoming more and more real to me as our stroller and some of our cloth diapers have come in the mail yesterday. To my wife, I think it became real when she had morning sickness a back at the first month. That is how men and women are different, I guess. Here are some recent pictures of us, as you can see, we're getting closer and closer...
We are excited about visiting Orlando this weekend. We have not really gotten to see a lot of people from our church and other people in the city we know. If you are not going to see us this weekend do not worry because we can only see so many people and we will probably be coming back to do our baby dedication and speak at some churches so let us know you really miss us with a comment and maybe we can see you sometime. (That last paragraph makes us sound like we are celebrities, its not true I promise)
Also another thing that you can be praying for everyone out there. Is that I spoke to the Inter Fraternal Council at USF last Wednesday and got a few fraternities interested in what we are doing there and how we can help them accomplish their goals. I have followed up with an email and I got no responses. The Lord answered my prayer with the president of IFC, Matt, letting me speak out of at the meeting Please pray as I continue to follow up with all my contacts that they would be interested and for the few that may not that they would tell me straight up. I will be following up with them on Monday.